This weekend was a very different one...
It all started with Jenysdad going out of town on a business what does a dutiful sister do? She volunteers to stay with Jenny and her mom. In the beginning the thought was very exciting, after all....that was where i lived before know - those carefree days. But when "the day" actually came, i faced it with slight hesitation, mainly because this was my first night away from the boys.
For the first time in what seems like ages, i felt like i was reliving my memories. I got up early in the morning and was out of the house at 6:30 am, just the way I used to 5 years back. I started walking, got a rick and instead of going to work (it was Friday), I went home and was there to wake up my boys and wish them a nice day. Back to Jenny's in the evening, we went out window-shopping, ordered take-away and just had a nice time chatting with my sister-in-law. Speaking for myself, i enjoyed that a lot since it was the first time we spe
nt so much time together.
My boys called me nearly 6-7 times in the evening. To wish me good night, to wish me good night again, to say God bless you, to say come soon.....a clear case of absence makes the heart grow fonder.
In the morning, post-breakfast we packed up and went the weekend was with a house full of children ranging from crawling baby to "almost teenager". The boys went out of their way to impress their little showed a lot about them.
Tim was the more caring brother. He kept on coming to Jenny, hugging her and planting a kiss on her cheek. Everytime she'd coo at him, he'd smile and say "I think Jenny likes me!".
Nathan on the other hand, wanted to involve her in ears are still ringing from his continuous "Jenny-Jenny-Jenny" calls trying to get her come and see what he's 'reading'. When the boys found a bug inside the house and were busy staring at it, Nathan actually moved and made space and told Jenny "Come. Look".....yeah, he needs to know that girls keep away from bugs. Everytime she'd cry, he would come running and ask "Happened?" (translates to 'what happened').
But what felt nice was that the boys were actually sharing their toys with her. No fuss about her taking what they were playing with, the moment we say "Get Jenny a toy", they'd literally be inside the toy box looking for age appropriate toys, and Jenny even liked playing with trucks!
It felt nice having a little girl at home. The sound of her anklets, the felt nice. All good things will come to an end and so did the weekend. Jenny is back at her place. I'd do it again, if there was an option to... For now everything is back to how it should be....just me and my three men.
We gave the boys a surprise the other day. And that too on a school night. We took them to watch a movie at PVR. Toy Story 3, to be precise. Some may think, what's the big surprise here? Well, let me children had never been to a movie theatre before this. All the mvies they have watched have been on the PC at home so far. We never took them before for the fear of them getting squirmy and irritating others.
When Lindo and I (shhh....not many know) went to watch Avatar, we were struck by the number of kids that were there for the movie.....that day we watched the trailer of "How to train your dragon" and decided that this was probably the right movie to start their theatre going.....but we chickened out last see, Nathan loves movies only when he sees talking animals.So anyways, last Thursday we went....we figured that half the crowd would anyways be kids....not many should be bothered by one squirmy kid. The boys were very excited when they realised we were going to watch a movie (the only person they knew who had watched a movie was Curious George - if he qualifies for a person). SO, in we went, armed with popcorn and other eatables.... The movie started....and we encountered our first problem. Tim couldn't see! Quickly found a solution. We put Lindo's bag on the seat and he sat on top of that. They ate through the complete movie. When the
popcorn got over (around 5 minutes to interval), I heard Nathan from his father's lap....'popcorn.....more....'. Thankfully the lights came on and Lindo ran to refill our provision.
The movie got over at 9:10 PM....the boys were really happy. The movie was really nice. I mean, what more do you need? Talking dinosaurs and pigs, flying Buzz lightyear and what nots! Tim is already asking when we'd go again and we have told him that they admit one person only once for the same for now.....we'll not be this lucky next time....
July 1st.Today we complete 19 years of living in India....I always used to remember today as the day we came back, but today, I thought of it in a different way. We have officially reached the first day of the second half of the New year.
Where did time go by? We live looking forward to weekends that we don't realise that time is just passing by. I am already counting days to August so that I can go home to Kerala.
The boys are growing day by day.....every day Nathan loses another one of his baby words and learns a proper word. Soon, before you know it, we'll be out of baby words and all those things.....nothing we can do but cherish each one of these moments as much as we can.....I suggest all the parents should hold on to and cherish each day they have with their children and not will them to grow up faster. They will do that anyways....and we'll be left only with these memories....I know, I didn't blog anything substantial, but when I walked around at home just now, turning the calendar pages, I had to say this.....