Saturday, August 6, 2011

The card maker in me....

I have been making cards in my free time. It's a hobby and one that I really enjoy.

For my birthday Lindo and a few friends from office gifted me a printer to help me digital stamps thereby taking the card making to the next level.

Just sharing a few cards I made recently.

This one was for my colleague's birthday.

This one was for a friend's wedding.

My friend's birthday.

And one last one:
I made this one for my cousin's wedding.

All the digital stamp used in these cards are Sliekje and MelonHeadz freebies.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And the circus has begun....

If we thought that our carefree days were over when we had our boys ...we were wrong. We never realised that carefree days actually continued till children started formal education. And formal education they both started earlier this month.

One good thing that has come from this is that we actually have a timetable now. They get up early and sleep early as well. The boys who used to sleep at 10 PM every day have now started going to bed at 8:30 PM.....and that too because they are tired. They supposedly “rest” in the bus on their way back from school and therefore stopped having their previously customary afternoon nap.

Changes so far:

Nathan has started colouring inside the lines. He likes school. I haven’t figured out what else he has learned / done there yet, but I am glad he enjoys going to school.
Tim never mentions what he did there. Yesterday he told me “There are things going on in school”. I wonder what....

Another wonderful thing that has come together with school is this wonderful concept of “uniforms”. I know all the mommies out there are nodding their heads. It is such a relief to dress them in uniforms. No more “I want jeeeeeeans” or “I don’t want this t-shirt”.....just plain uniforms!
For the time being they’re even happy polishing their shoes when they’re back....

As long as it lasts.......


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Updates and thoughts on the new year

I know it’s been a while and I thought it was time for an update.

• I can finally do two things I like at the same time; I can draft my blog entry AND stay in bed now. Yes, I finally got my laptop after a long wait that was surely worth it.
• We got a TV. Not too great a news considering that we were very happy without one.
• The boys are growing up (that’s not new) and they are getting diplomatic too. (“Is mama pretty or ugly?” “You’re my mother!”).
• My mom had broken her arm and I left my men behind and stayed with Mom in Kerala for a week. That was definitely a milestone for all of us.
• I completed 7 years at work and I asked the management not to promote me this year because I wanted more time to spend at home since the boys are starting school this year and it is important that we can get them set in a routine. More responsibilities would not help me do that.

That’s pretty much what has been going on. The new year has been pretty much the same as it was last year. It doesn’t even feel like a “new year”. It’s just another year that will get over before we know it. But I do hope that it proves me wrong and turns out to be a great one.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Birthday wishes

Today is my brother-in-law's 30th birthday.
But he's not here to celebrate it with us. In another 37 days we will have his 1st death anniversary. I am sure he's having the best birthday party ever in heaven right now.....
God bless you!